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Product Info
More than 50 years after Herbert Krenchel, the materials researcher and civil engineer, designed the Krenit bowl, the original minimalist design has been re-launched by Normann Copenhagen. The Krenit bowl is a perfect example of good Danish design and through the years it has become a design icon. Designed in 1953, the name Krenit is a combination of the name Krenchel and eternit (a fiber cement which is used for the coating on the bowl's outside). The bowl has a distinct design with its matt black outside, thin edge and clear colored enamel inside. In 1954, the bowl won a gold medal for its unique design inTriennalen (Milan, Italy). Up until the production stopped in 1966 the bowl had been produced in more than 1 million units.
- Design: Herbert Krenchel
- Year: 1953
- Material: Enameled Iron
- Dimensions: � 9.8" x 5.5"
- Made in Denmark
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Key: Krenit Bowl Normann, White Krenit Normann
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