On sale now for Excelsteel Cook Pro Bamboo Fiber Mixing Bowl, 1-1/2-Quart is now alive. This awesome product is currently on sale, you could buy it now for just
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Order Excelsteel Cook Pro Bamboo Fiber Mixing Bowl, 1-1/2-Quart lowest price. lowest price available for you on Excelsteel Cook Pro at Discounted prices. Search for best prices.
Item Info
Made of lightweight, yet durable bamboo fiber, this bowl is the ideal addition for a kitchen. In a bright, eye-catching blue, this bowl is non-toxic, dishwasher safe and entirely handcrafted from natural material.
Strong Feat
- 1 1/2-quart capacity with a multipurpose function for anything you might need to hold
- Constructed of lightweight, yet sturdy bamboo fiber, one of the world's most replenisable resources and all-natural
- Super easy to clean with no toxins or harmful chemicals that could do damage
- Functional and attractive, add a vibrant splash of color to your kitchen as you mix batter, scramble eggs, or any other kind of mixing
- Also available in 3 other sizes: 1 1/2-quart, 2 1/2-quart and 4-quart
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Key: Excelsteel Cook Pro, Cook Pro Bamboo
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