On sale now for Calypso Basics 12 Piece Bowl Set in Black is becoming hot. This awesome item is currently available, you can buy it this moment for just
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Order Calypso Basics 12 Piece Bowl Set in Black deal. lowest price available for you on Basics 12 Piece at Lowest prices. Get for best prices.
Product Information
Calypso Basic's twelve piece storage bowl set come with six bowls and six air tight plastic sealable lids in the same fun color. Each bowl is make of enamel on steel with stainless steel rims. The set includes six bowls; .75 quart, 1.15 quart, 1.5 quart, 2.15 quart, 3 quart, 3.75 quart with black color enamel on the outside and white enamel interior. This bowl set is great for storage, mixing (please use wooden/silicone utensils) and even looks great as a serving bowl.
- Enamel-on-steel finish
- Use for storage or mixing
- 6 pc set; .75qt, 1.15qt, 1.5qt, 2.15qt, 3qt, 3.75qt
- Comes with 6 matching color plastic lids
User Reviews
Llama Kisses
I had a set of white bowls for years that held up well. I bought these in black and although I am a bit worried that the black won't hold up well in the dishwasher, they seem to be well made. Covers seem to fit alright, but they haven't been through the dishwaser yet.
gave this item as a holiday gift and it got rave reviews just the color alone! seems like they are well made and will hold up well although I imagine overtime scratching the interior will be likely great colors you can't find just anywhere
These were very nice and high quality. I was very pleased with them - exactly what I was looking for.
Rating: 3.8 4 reviews
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