Best offer for OXO 2 Piece Stainless Steel Mixing Bowl - Blue/Green is trending. This best item is currently on sale, you can buy it now for only
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Purchase OXO 2 Piece Stainless Steel Mixing Bowl - Blue/Green best deal. lowest price available for you on OXO Piece Stainless at Lowest prices. Get for lowest deals.
Item Info
OXO 2 Piece Stainless Steel Mixing Bowl - Blue/Green Includes: one 1.5 quart and one 3 quart bowl. Green exterior and Blue Exterior
Strong Feat
- Stainless steel won't stain or retain odors
- Bowls nest for compact storage
- Non slip bottom stabilzes bowl while mixing
- Includes: one 1.5 quart and one 3 quart bowl
Customer Reviews
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Key: 2 Piece Stainless, OXO 2 Stainless, OXO Piece Stainless, OXO 2 Piece
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