On sale now for Corelle Coordinates 6-Piece Small Bowl Set, Pretty Pink is now alive. This best item is now on sale, you might purchase it this moment for only
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Buy Corelle Coordinates 6-Piece Small Bowl Set, Pretty Pink lowest price. Deals available for you on Corelle Coordinates Small at Lowest prices. Get for best deals.
Item Info
This six piece bowl set includes three enamel on steel bowls and three plastic sealable lids. Decorated in the Corelle Coordinate pattern, Pretty Pink, you can use these functional bowls for storage, mixing or as a serving piece.
- Enamel-on-steel finish
- Plastic Sealable Lids
- Set Include, .75qt, 1.25qt, 1.75qt bowls
- Hand wash recommended
User Reviews
For those of you who feel deceived, read the description. The description clearly states enamel on steel, and it is also clear by the photograph that there are 3, NOT 6, bowls. It doesn't state 6 BOWLS, it states 6 PIECES...exactly what the photograph shows. These are beautiful and exactly as described. Don't blame others for your lack of knowledge on the product you ordered.
Jerie L. Putnam
Mine are going on 5 years old now and have really stood the test of time. They are my favorite storage bowls as well as serving. I remember my first use of them...I made sandwich rolls in tortillas and neatly served them in these. It definitely made an impression! I also LOVE storing in them because unlike other storage containers, the top easily comes off, yet its very securely closed. I am going to buy a new set.......not because they have worn out, they certainly have not......but because I have lost them over time. Either that or people borrowed them and decided they liked them too much to give back! hahahathey don't have a single dent or chip in the paintA great purchase
Natalie Crouch
I purchased this item to go with a dinner plate set that I had purchase a couple of years ago. This item is a great value and I love that there are many matching items in this pattern.
Rating: 3.4 7 reviews
Key: Corelle Coordinates Small, Coordinates 6-Piece Small, Corelle Coordinates 6-Piece, Corelle 6-Piece Small
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