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Get KitchenAid Professional Series Red Mixing Bowls, Set of 3 best price. Best deal is presented for you on KitchenAid Series Red at Discounted prices. Search for lowest deals.
Product Information
KitchenAid Professional Series Set of 3 Mixing Bowls for all your mixing needs
- Includes one each: 2-1/2 quart, 3-1/2 quart and 4-1/2 quart bowls
- Features spout for easy pouring
- Nonslip base for added stability
- Dishwasher safe
- Bowls nest easily together for storage
Customer Opinions
Linda Smiles
The shapes and sizes are fine and the rubber on the bottom is nice. I have only handwashed these and they are easy to handle because they are so lightweight. On the other hand the lightness makes them feel cheap and flimsy, If I had paid regular price for these I would be very upset but I bought them on sale and it was easier to keep them. The color is a dark muddy red, not that attractive, it looks nicer on my computer monitor. What bothers me the most is the sharpness of the top edge, especially the spout. The edge is actually sharper than my stainless dinner knives, you couldn't cut yourself it just feels bad when washing or drying the bowls. Since I paid less than half price using the sale price and buy 4 get 1 free I can't complain. The regular price is outrageous!
Dale W. Logue
They say dishwasher-safe, however, they melt in the lower rack of the dishwasher (the only place they fit). They were ok until dishwashing.
I like these bowls, but have a couple of 'negatives'...the positives are that they have rubber grips on the bottom to help them stay put, and the capacities are clearly marked on the bottoms. In addition, they have pouring spouts. Now the negatives: I think that for the Clearance Price, they're a bit thin. It would have been helpful for Amazon to put the construction (i.e., plastic) in the product description, and when I went to the Kitchenaid site, they didn't have it there either! The other negative is that I expected them to match my Kitchenaid Empire Red stand mixer, but they are a shade darker. All in all, I'm pleased, but not overwhelmingly so.
Rating: 3.4 37 reviews
Key: Professional Series Red, KitchenAid Professional Series, KitchenAid Series Red, KitchenAid Professional Red
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