On sale now for Trudeau Melamine Mixing Bowls in Assorted Bright Colors, Set of 6 is trending. This best product is now on sale, you can purchase it this moment for just
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Get Trudeau Melamine Mixing Bowls in Assorted Bright Colors, Set of 6 lowest price. Top deals available for you on Trudeau Mixing Bowls at Discounted prices. Search for lowest prices.
Product Description
Be prepared for any baking or serving need with this set of six bowls by Trudeau. Set includes a 0.3-quart bowl in yellow, a 3/4-quart bowl in orange, a 1-1/2-quart bowl in red, a 2-1/2-quart aqua colored bowl, a green 3-1/2-quart bowl and a large, 5-1/2-quart bowl in blue. Bowls are made of super durable melamine and can be used indoors and outdoors. Whether you're serving sides at a barbeque or picnic or you're cooking a holiday meal, you'll have what you need with this set. Do not use in microwave. Bowls are dishwasher safe. Five year warranty. By Trudeau a company that develops visionary products. Add an exciting flavor to your day, with Trudeau. Style, eloquence and innovation - Trudeau, letting you savor life's little moments.
Strong Feat
- Set of 6 mixing bowls
- Made of super durable melamine; can be used indoors and outdoors
- Set includes 0.3, 3/4, 1-1/2, 2-1/2, 3-1/2 and 5-1/2-quart sizes
- Great for serving, cooking and baking
- Not for microwave use; bowls are dishwasher safe; 5 year warranty
J. Antaya
The colors of the bowls are very attractive and very feastive. The bowls are easy to handle in that they are not heavy. They are solid and sturdy bowls. The melamine is not thin. These bowls looked awesome at a party I had. They all nestle within each other. There wasn't anything comparable and attractive at the local stores (Kohl's) that compared to these. Useful and attractive!
I love these bowls. They are light weight but very sturdy and love all the colors. The various sizes are great for any mixing job or you can use these to add some color for serving. The only thing that would make these better is if you could use them in the microwave.
S Beals
I am disappointed to be writing this review. On the first use of these bowls, I discovered a crack on the top lip of the 2nd smallest bowl. I don't know how it happened, only that the bowl was not dropped, microwaved, or put in the dishwasher. I know it was not abused in anyway. Once I saw the crack and chip (there was a small piece actually missing which was nowhere to be found in my kitchen), I determined that it was trash. That being the case, I decided to test the durability and dropped the bowl from less than 3 feet onto the floor. It broke completely in half. (This in comparison to the other mixing bowls I bought by Kitchen Aid. I dropped one by accident and it didn't even get a scratch. So I decided to give those the total durability test. Needless to say, they survived a very forceful throw across the kitchen. I was really happy with that since there weren't any reviews on those when I bought them.)KitchenAid Classic Mixing Bowls, Assorted Colors, Set of 3These Trudeau bowls are a disappointment. They are pretty. That I like. But I bought them because they aren't glass and my expectation was that they wouldn't be easily breakable like glass. I'm thinking I will stay away from Melamine and try something else. Maybe the bamboo ones??? It was definitely a waste of $25. And, unfortunately, the first time I used them and discovered the crack, it was already past the return window for Amazon.Update 8/18/12 Definitely NOT DURABLE. The second one broke being dropped from a foot or less from the ground. Go for the kitchen aid mixing bowls instead (I also posted a review for them). They are DURABLE plus a thousand.Update 9/2/12 Once again, not durable. Another one broke. It was knocked from my hands and I caught it but it still hit the ground from barely a few inches off the ground. Not even a hard fall. Wish I had purchased 2 sets of the Kitchen Aid mixing bowls. Only 3 left...
Rating: 4.3 44 reviews
Tags: Melamine Mixing Bowls, Trudeau Mixing Bowls, Trudeau Melamine Bowls, Trudeau Melamine Mixing
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